Ostrava - Oprava klimatizačních jednotek

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailS/1955104/02/2019AC EURO a.s.528,322.30436,630.00528,322.30436,630.00CZK

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DetailAC EURO a.s.Brno528,322.30436,630.00CZKYes
DetailChlazení Nečas s.r.o.Bílovice nad SvitavouNo
DetailZIKOM - Vzduchotechnika, s.r.o.No
DetailATELIÉR TOP KLIMA s.r.o.OstravaNo
DetailK T Vzduchotechnika, spol. s r.o.Ostrava710,288.00587,014.90CZKNo